Seong Nag-Won, Republic of Korea - Renju Rating

KOR Seong Nag-Won

Place: Seoul, Republic of Korea

Birth: 1983-01-01

Rating: 1876.55, Std: 430.62, Rank: -

First game: 2002-02-28, Last game: 2002-02-28

Top rating: 1876.55 (2002-02-28)

Games: 4, Wins: 1, Draws: 0, Losses: 3

Gy1: 0, Gy2: 0, Gy5: 0

Korean Qualification for TWC 2002
Date 2002-02-28 Rating 1876.55
Round Color Result Opponent
a3 Black Win KOR Lee Soon-Seong 2014.41
a5 White Loss KOR Kim Chang-Hoon 2367.19
a7 White Loss KOR Lee Yun-Sub 2027.47
a9 Black Loss KOR Jeong Seung-Jae 1943.77