The 7th Best of Best match - Renju Rating

The 7th Best of Best match

Place: Seoul, Republic of Korea

Start: 2007-07-15, End: 2007-07-15

Rule: Classic, Games: 7

Round 2
Black Result White
Kim Su Chan 2136.65 0 : 1 2404.55 Park Jeong Ho
Round 3
Black Result White
Park Jeong Ho 2404.55 0 : 1 2523.61 Kim Gyu-Hyeon
Kim Su Chan 2136.65 0 : 1 2337.30 Lee Jo-Sub
Round 4
Black Result White
Kim Gyu-Hyeon 2523.61 1 : 0 2464.85 Kim Byoung-Jun
Round 5
Black Result White
Kim Jong-Soo 2038.82 0 : 1 2523.61 Kim Gyu-Hyeon
Park Jeong Ho 2404.55 1 : 0 2464.85 Kim Byoung-Jun
Round 6
Black Result White
Kim Gyu-Hyeon 2523.61 1 : 0 2136.65 Kim Su Chan